Ezenics Identifies $22.7M in Annual Savings for NBI/PIER Program

Ezenics AFDD™ and Demand Management solutions identified $22.7M in annual savings for the New Buildings Institute (NBI) / California Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program.

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Savings Opportunities Annual Savings Results
Achieved During 2011
Projected Annual Automated Cx Savings
(Nationwide Locations)
$14,210,700 (124,390 issues found)
Projected Annual Automated Cx Savings
(SDG&E Locations)
$132,170 (1,145 issues found)
Annual DR Revenue $3,200,000
Annual PLM Revenue $5,218,466
Annual Savings Total $22,761,336
* Example Automated Cx issues found included: incorrect setpoints, incorrect schedules, non-optimized economizer settings, outdoor air temperature sensor malfunctions, ERV wheel inefficiencies, cooling stage failures, indoor relative humidity and temperature sensor malfunctions, simultaneous heating and cooling, etc.

Nationwide (U.S.) Locations:

• 1,502 commercial buildings
• 237 million sqft
• 28,923 RTUs (3 to 60 tons) and 2,300 DHUs (10 to 30 tons)
• Data centers, general merchandise retail, general merchandise/grocery retail, hospital, office

San Diego Gas and Electric Subset Locations:

• 20 commercial buildings
• 327 RTUs

Energy & Carbon Reductions:

• Energy reduction: 142,000MWh
• Carbon reduction: 216,032,000lbs